Leaders aren’t born, they're nurtured and developed.

This is the driving force behind Centre for Leadership and Innovation (CFLI), which was launched in January 2012 as a non-profit organization. Centre for Leadership and Innovation (CFLI) was founded with the mission to build and promote leadership and innovation amongst Tamil Canadians and other multicultural communities. 


Our Mission

CFLI’s primary goal is to provide an inspiring and supportive environment that will help individuals become leaders.  To achieve this goal, our focus is to provide a continuous learning environment through a holistic training approach, offering programs highlighted in the blocks below.  These are the building blocks for developing future leaders.

Our Vision

Our longer-term vision is to leverage the talents of our future leaders to form a Think-Tank, a leading-edge policy institute that provides research and analysis on issues affecting Canadians.


Our Programs

Our flagship program endeavor to develop Leaders of Tomorrow world through a strong structured curriculum.

The Y-Preneurs program aims to introduce entrepreneurial elements to high school students in a project based setting.

YRobotics is an elective term program that is being offered through, the main Youth Leadership Program (YLP).

The YFinance program is an elective training program that available to all the senior participants of YLP program. 

Youth documentary movie making competition and film festival is a one-of-a-kind project based learning offered in Canada.

YRoots’ objective is to introduce, educate and preserve Tamil roots, tradition, culture and literature among Tamil Canadians.

YJobs is an innovative process to introduce graduating
high-school students to Corporate Canada through internships.

CFLI team is always in innovation mode. Please check out our exciting new programs in development.