Let your children become Leaders of Tomorrow!

Welcome to CFLI

CFLI’s flagship program endeavour to develop Leaders of Tomorrow through a structured curriculum and process.

The Y-Preneurs program aims to introduce entrepreneurial elements to high school students in a project based setting.

YRobotics is an elective term option offered through the Youth Leadership Program (YLP), for students at level 2B or higher.

YFinance is an elective term option offered through the Youth Leadership Program (YLP), for students at level 2B or higher.

Youth documentary movie-making competition and film festival is a one-of-a-kind project based learning offered in Canada.

YRoots’ objective is to introduce, and preserve Tamil roots, tradition, culture and literature among Tamil Canadians.

YJobs is an innovative process to facilitate internship opportunities to high-school students, through corporate partnerships.

CFLI leads by listening and thrives in innovation mode. Please check out our exciting new programs in development.

The program provides high school students with a foundation to think about the recent developments in AI and how it can be leveraged to solve the problems of today and tomorrow.